Lehi Utah Newborn Fresh 48 | Baby Finley

This Newborn Fresh 48 session for Baby Finley was so stinking adorable and cute! She has 3 older siblings and is the caboose to her family. Her mom, Paige saw me at our church on a Sunday and asked me about doing photos when the baby was born. Little did she know that Finley would be born less than 24 hours later! It was perfect timing.

She was born at the Mountain Point Hospital in Lehi, Utah. These Newborn Fresh 48 sessions are so intimate. Taking photos of babies so new is so exciting for me. Can’t you just see how adorable she is and just want to squish her!?

Paige, her mom lives just up the street from me. She now is a mother of 4 adorable children. They have a daughter that is the exact same age as my daughter. They actually dressed up as little old ladies for Halloween when they had both just turned one.

We did a few photos with her older siblings and then let them head off with grandma. After the kids were gone, the remaining time was spent with just mom, dad and new baby Finley.

As requested by Paige, I did a copy of a lot of the photos in black and white because her husband, Colton, wanted to wear his bright yellow, Pittsburgh Steelers shirt. See? We can always make things work.

To see more newborns like Finley click here!