Historic Wheeler Farm | White Family

Wheeler Farm
We did this session at Historic Wheeler Farm in Murray, Utah. I took this cute family’s photos two years ago and was thrilled to see them again. Their kids were so grown up! I always forget how fast kids grow sometimes!
The Kids
The son, Skyler, was in my mom’s preschool a few years ago and that is how we made our first connection. Laura, the mom, is always so great to work with. She has her hands full with four children. I always remind moms with children to not worry about the children. I actually prefer working with children that are a bit more rambunctious and outgoing versus shy. Outgoing children know how to show off their personalities without being afraid. It’s one of the wonderful things about children.
Sage, has down syndrome. She is literally one of my favorite people. I have a soft spot in my heart for anyone with down syndrome because I grew up next door to Charity. My best friend growing up, Christie, her little sister Charity was always over at our house just coming to say hi. Sage reminds me so much of Charity. It reminds me of the impact that Charity had on my life. To remember what is most important in life and how to be kind to everyone around you no matter what are just a couple things I’ll never forget.
Autumn, the oldest daughter was so fun. She’s an awesome teenager that fights with her siblings like any other, but deep down you can see how much she loves them. That is what I love most about family sessions. Capturing YOUR family the way that they are now so you never forget what this time in your life was like. It might be hectic. It might be chaotic. You might feel like you’re at the end of your rope, but you will, one day, miss these times. Let’s capture them now. Children grow so fast.