In-Home Newborn | Baby Brighton

In-Home Newborn Session
This in-home newborn session holds a special place in my heart. Brighton was long awaited. Through many tears and heartache she got here safe and sound. When she was born she wasn’t breathing. There was a moment of panic and fear when she was rushed out of the room for a code blue. I prayed in the moment for this little girl to make it. I’m actually tearing up as I write this. I think a lot of times we don’t realize what miracles babies are. With so many things that can go wrong when a child is born, it is a miracle it goes right so often. I know cute little Brighton was meant to be here for her momma and daddy and her cute older brother.
This in-home newborn session we did at Alyssa’s home in Lehi, Utah. It was so much fun to capture the photos in Baby Brighton’s nursery with all her cute pink decor. Brighton was about two weeks old and we did some really cute photos with her mom and her brother, Rhett. Rhett is so in love with his little sister. I could hardly contain myself for the cuteness. Their little relationship is one that will last forever. He was so protective of her it was just precious.
Get Your Photos Taken
I sound like a broken record, but seriously do not wait to get photos taken of your family. They are only little for such a short time. It is so hard in the moment to realize it. With the sleepless nights, trying to feed a baby and trying to heal yourself. It is A LOT to deal with. Doing a photo session seems like it could just put you over the top. I PROMISE you will not regret it. Alyssa wasn’t going to have herself be in the photos because she wasn’t ready and had no makeup on. I told her I’d hold her baby and to go get makeup on. I wanted her to be in photos with her newborn so that when she comes out of the fog of having a new baby she can look back on those images and smile.